Arson and Fraud
The Pennsylvania Insurance Fraud Prevention Authority has reported an average of about 5,200 arson cases occurring in the Commonwealth each year. Arson is a very expensive crime. In Pennsylvania, the total property damage from arson in 2000 exceeded $57.4 million, and averaged about $11,300 per case reported. Concerning insurance fraud generally, the consulting firm Accenture Ltd. recently reported that nearly one in four Americans considers it okay to defraud an insurer.
Insurance companies have an obligation not to permit their reserves to be depleted by frivolous and false claims. That is why many of the nation's top insurance companies turn to RobbLeonard Mulvihill to investigate, advise, and ultimately defend against such claims. Our attorneys possess a keen understanding of the issues involving coverage disputes, loss payees, and bad faith, as well as practical knowledge gained from dealing with cause and origin experts.